
The Clone Wars 4A-7

Figure comes with weapon and hologram accessories.

The Clone Wars Ziro’s Assassin Droid

Figure comes with firing missile launcher and other weapon accessories.

The Clone Wars Commander TX-20

Figure comes with firing droid blaster, hologram and other accessories.

The Clone Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi

Figure comes with firing backpack, helmet and lightsaber accessories, Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

The Clone Wars Heavy Assault Super Battle Droid

Figure comes with a missile-firing cannon accessory.

The Clone Wars Firefighter Droid

Figure comes with firefighting backpack accessory.

The Clone Wars Commando Droid

Figure comes with blaster accessory.

The Clone Wars AAT Driver Battle Droid

Figure comes with firing blaster rifle and other weapon accessories.
Figure comes with firing missile launcher accessories, one Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

The Clone Wars Super Battle Droid

Figure comes with firing missile launcher accessories, one Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

The Clone Wars Battle Droid

Figure comes with firing blaster and other accessories, Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

The Clone Wars Anakin Skywalker (Space Suit)

Figure comes with helmet, missile-firing backpack and other weapon accessories.

The Clone Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi (Space Suit)

Figure comes with weapons and missile-firing jet pack accessories.

The Clone Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi (Cold Weather Gear)

Figure comes with lightsaber accessory.


The Clone Wars Aayla Secura

Figure with her lightsaber and flight gear accessories.

The Clone Wars Nahdar Vebb

Figure comes with lightsaber.

The Clone Wars Anakin Skywalker (Cold Weather Gear)

Figure comes with lightsaber accessory.

The Clone Wars Luminara Unduli

Figure comes with lightsaber accessory.

The Clone Wars Ahsoka Tano (Space Suit)

Figure comes with removable helmet and lighsaber accessory.

The Clone Wars Yoda

Figure comes with lightsaber and staff accessories.

The Clone Wars Obi-Wan Kenobi (Space Suit)

Figure comes with weapons and missile-firing jet pack accessories.

The Clone Wars Mace Windu

Figure comes with lightsaber and snap-on battle gear accessories.

The Clone Wars Kit Fisto

figure comes prepared for “battle” with his firing backpack launcher.

The Clone Wars Clone Commander Cody

Figure comes with firing blaster rifle and helmet accessories, Galactic Battle Game card, battle base and game die.

The Clone Wars Clone Tank Gunner

Figure comes with firing missile launcher and other weapon accessories.